" The atosphere is a mixture of mostly invisible gasses that surround the Earth." said the Florida ScienceFusion Textbook. The atmosphere's properties can change with the altitude. Temerature & air pressure change with the altitude.
Surrounding the Earth is a mixture of invisible gasses. The air we breath is the atmosphere. There are 5 layers of the atmosphere. The first layer is the tropsosphere. The tropsosphere is 0 -16 km & is the layer closest to the Earth. Next is the stratosphere layer. The stratosphere layer is 16 -50 km & has an ozone layer in it. After that there is the mesosphere layer. In the mesosphere layer it is 50 - 90 km & meteors burn in that layer. Another layer is ther thermospshere layer. In the thermosphere layer it is 90 - 300 km & the temerature rises with the altitude. The final layer of the atmosphere is the exosphere. The exosphere is 300 - 7600 km & is the outermost layer of the atmosphere.
A way to remember the atmosphere layers from the outermost layer to the innermost layer is:
E. Eat
T. The
M. Most
S. Salad
T. Tom
So the acronym would be Eat The Most Salad Tom.